For the English Language teaching, it's really easy to outline the core subject of it. Basically, ELT stands on two main pillars: "language systems" and "language skills". Our main aim of teaching English at school is creating communicative competence in a broader sense of the term, i.e. the ability to understand and effectively use the language to interact in different contexts — interpersonal, cultural, business, and so forth — and with different audiences.
And the key question is born here — what key elements help our students to achieve the new quality of life the most — especially today? How to understand the impact of these elements, and bring them to your classroom?
Our previous session was dedicated to global-mindedness and its impact on the English Language Teaching. In this session, we will continue this topic with the discussion of what it means to "teach English'' today, we will observe some global tips and tricks that you can add to your practice with the bright teachers and experts.