Miniature Drilling Machine
Miniature Drilling Machine is that our mini drilling machine is generally used in educational industry, it is suitabe for processing materials such as plywood, paper-based board, organic glass, thin aluminum sheets and aluminum-plastic panels etc, which are much more safer materials. Students and DIY players can make wooden handcrafts in woodworking classroom, which is equipped with tool boxs, carpentry wall and wall tools, ptrotechtive tools etc. Children can improve imagination and operation ability by making various exquisite handcrafts.
Drilling machine is one kind of tools that used for cutting holes into or through metal, wood, or other materials. It is also called drill pressIt is equipped with a drill or drivechunck and a bit. It can mainly be classified into categories such as portable drilling machine, sensitive drilling machine, upright drilling machine, radial drilling machine, gang drilling machine, multiple spindle machine, deep hole drilling machine etc. It is wiely used in differnet industry, including medical equipment, transportation, construction etc. The difference between ordinary drilling machine and our miniature drilling machine is made of metal and includes parts such as motor case, head stock, jigsaw case, machine bed etc, most of them adopt two surface treatment methods: electroplating and ink-jet. Due to the modular and standardized design, so most of parts can be perfectly fitted into another. The machine adopts child-proof design to avoid any scratching hurt. We have 2 types of this machine, 60W drilling machine has much more power than the 36W. Students can use drilling machine to make creative wooworking in Technology classroom.

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